TNTCC was engaged as the client was informed by the County that they must complete an Area Structure Plan prior to receiving the agreements to develop their property. The land was previously used for mining operations. This meant that TNTCC was engaged in historical use and operations. It was determined that the type of mining would not cause concern and allow the process to move forward. A water analysis was completed. This included investigation into the existing ground water table, water supply, and surface runoff. Through dealings with various other parties it was determined that the ground water level would not be a cause for concern. The water supply was also determined that there should be an adequate supply for new and existing usage. A surface plan was put into place to handle surface runoff. The area structure plan also included the development area, access point design, road design, lot sizing, provision for fire demands, etc. As a final note the governing bodies were involved and all standards and specifications they presented were met in full.
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