The Village of Ferintosh

Feasibility Report and Preliminary Engineering

TNTCC was engaged by the Village in order to plan and design to meet their infrastructure needs. TNTCC reviewed the existing documentation compiled by various other firms and used the information as a reference during the compilation of the Priority Assessment. This included the review of documents relating to their existing water system, water reservoir, and water pump-house, as well as the waste water system, waste water lagoon, and lift station. TNTCC was able to compile a prioritized list of infrastructure items that would likely need to the most immediate attention. These items included the upgrades and/or replacement of various water and waste water lines within the Village. Also, the sanitary lift station and sanitary lagoon were a couple points of interest and added to the priority list. In order to complete this work TNTCC conducted various tests and visits relating to the existing conditions, as well as the anticipated future growth that the Village may expect to have. Some such engineering tasks including flow analysis on the water and waste water lines, which lead to sizing of pipelines, the lift station, and the lagoon. With the preliminary engineering complete, and a priority assessment to follow, the Village was able to effectively plan their future infrastructure upgrades. TNTCC had also included the estimated cost and schedule relating to each phase mentioned in the priority assessment which provided additional ease for the Village in preparation for future planning and budgeting.

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